Carving My Path

August 5, 2023 · 2 min read

As a first-generation college student, I bear the weight of my family's ambitions. Adapting to the American dream from a different cultural background comes with its set of challenges. My journey has been a complex mix of obstacles and victories, and it's a journey that I am always keen to share in hopes of inspiring others.

Picture this: a Nigerian first-gen with a passion for all things tech. College life isn't just about lectures and exams; it's about navigating a maze of unfamiliar terrain. But you know what they say, pressure makes diamonds. Every challenge, from applications to advanced coursework, has been a chance for me to shine.

Being the oldest in my family adds a layer of responsibility. It's not just about my own journey; it's about leading the way for my siblings and setting an example for future generations. The road isn't always smooth, but I'm turning every obstacle into a stepping stone.

Community and mentorship have played a huge role in my journey. Organizations like LASS and NSBE have given me a space to connect with like-minded peers and mentors who get what it's like to be in my shoes. Their guidance and encouragement have been a compass in this uncharted territory.

Ever thought of being a trailblazer? I'm doing just that by taking my passion for tech to minority communities through STEM outreach. The sparkle in a young learner's eyes when they grasp a new concept? That's the fuel that keeps me going.

And the dream? Oh, it's alive and thriving. Thanks to a tech internship at Nucor and leadership roles, I'm more convinced than ever that becoming a software or data engineer is my destiny. Graduation isn't the end, it's the starting point for a journey fueled by curiosity and a drive to make an impact.

Being a first-gen Nigerian student in the tech world has molded me into a resilient, adaptable, and passionate individual. Challenges are just detours to success, and the support of my community is my secret weapon. With every hurdle I overcome, I'm a step closer to turning dreams into reality.

© 2024 Oluwole Fabikun