My Influence

March 2, 2024 · 2 min read

Receiving a piece of art from a student hit me differently. It wasn't just a drawing; it was a sign that I'm doing something right, not just as a software engineer but as someone who's giving back to where it all started for me—Stoughton High. My journey from there to the tech world has been full of ups and downs. But teaching and mentoring in the same district that shaped me has been the real highlight.

My involvement isn't about reliving the past; it's about shaping the future. I get to guide young minds, showing them that grit, dedication, and chasing what you love actually pays off. It's not just about coding or tech; it's about building character, resilience, and curiosity.

This mentorship thing is more than giving career advice. It's about sparking hope and ambition, and maybe making the road a bit easier for the next one up. It's rewarding in ways that no job title or paycheck can match.

Looking back, the real win isn't in the projects I've completed or the skills I've gained; it's in the moments shared and the lives I've touched. Every bit of advice, every shared challenge, is a chance to make a lasting impact.

This journey has taught me that success is more about the difference we make than the accolades we collect. As I keep moving forward, I'm focused not just on building my career but also on being there for those coming up after me. The drawing from my student is a constant reminder of that impact. And as I continue, it's the connections and the chance to contribute that really matter.

© 2024 Oluwole Fabikun